Getting started
- Introduction
- Basic types 1, 2(続き)
- Basic operators
- Pattern matching
- case, cond, and if
- Binaries, strings, and charlists
- Keywords lists and maps
- Modules and Functions 1, 2(続き)
- Recursion
- Enumerables and streams
- Processes
- IO and the file system
- alias, require, and import
- Module attributes
- Structs
- Protocols
- Comprehensions
- Sigils
- try, catch, and rescue
- Typespecs and behaviours
- Debugging
- Erlang libraries
- Where to go next
Mix and OTP
- Introduction to Mix
- Agent
- GenServer
- Supervisor and Application
- Dynamic supervisors
- Dependencies and umbrella projects
- Task and gen_tcp
- Doctests, patterns and with
- Distributed tasks and configuration